
Des reliefs colorés, une douceur de vivre et un riche patrimoine naturel et immobilier

The Périgord, a territory with many facets

Succeeding caves, imposing cliffs and enchanting forests, Périgord, and specificaly the Dordogne, is one of those grandiose landscapes which mark the spirit. Prevaling serenity, forever steeped in mystery, offers a pleasurable living environment suffused by the richness of its natural and historical heritage.

Here, nature is invigorating, revitalizing and  colour prevails. The Périgord Noir takes its name from its impressive dark holm oaks and the lauze that covers the roofs of traditional dwellings, giving them protection and authenticity  Not far away, the Périgord vert is characterized by a profusion of chestnut trees which exhale their natural charm into the towns and villages of the Périgord. The Périgord blanc, for its part, derives its reputation from its cereal farming,  known throughout France for its outstanding quality, but also for its limestone soil, almost lunar in appearance.

As for the purple Périgord, it symbolizes the oenological richness of the region and the presence of the great vintages produced on this land. At sunset, the vines light up in the declining sun and offer a breathtaking spectacle.

The Périgord, an exceptional territory

The Dordogne, renowned for the beauty of its landscapes, offers an ideal living environment for those looking for tranquility and authenticity. A true haven of peace, this territory is also a land of contrasts.  Historic architecture, daringly blends here with more modern buildings and architecturally designed houses, allowing the Périgord to affirm its uniqueness. Traditional half-timbered houses, charming farms, mansions (as in Sarlat) or estates located in the heart of the countryside, are all exceptional properties that dot the region. In the city center or in the heart of the country, each of its properties offers the opportunity to settle in an extraordinary territory.

Between meadows, hills, cliffs and valleys, each area of The Périgord and Dordogne surprises and seduces. We also discover some of the most beautiful historical testimonies that the centuries have conserved. This is the case with the famous Lascaux cave and other Paleolithic sites in the region.

The gastronomy of Périgord is also part of the wealth of this region. On this fertile land, some of the largest vineyards in France each year produce highly regarded wines, like the vineyards of Monbazillac… along with truffles, an emblematic jewel of the region which affirm its reputation.

Sporting and cultural activities are also assets of Périgord and Dordogne.  Hiking, mountain biking or swimming in such unspoiled surroundings is a chance that many Britons envy the Perigord. Under the spell of the atmosphere of this region and its treasures,  gorges,  caves,  forests,  castles,  mansions and mild climate, they are  numerous in choosing to settle here.